Kelly Cardinal Designs.

PJ5K Coloring Book


Client Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM)

Services performed.


Print Design

Tools used.


Stock vector art
Game files provided by client

Coloring book for PJ5k event by AASM, designed by Kelly Cardinal.

AASM’s annual SLEEP conference attendees are encouraged to break out their pajamas and walk or run in the annual PJ5K. The proceeds of the race financially support sleep medicine research.

In 2022, kids at the event received goodie bags that included sleep-related coloring books. When I heard about this project, I clamored to get it on my docket.

Some of the Stock Photos Used

PJ5K stock photos.

The stock vector artwork and games were all provided by the PJ5K committee at American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Since the first inside page clearly has a space superhero theme, I decided to run with it. The boys on the front and back cover are imagining they are superheroes, flying solo or on a rocket into the night. The typography also is superhero/comic book inspired, which is fun and lighthearted.

Stock vector artwork, especially when coming from different artists, tends to have different weights of outlines. Since this is a children’s coloring book, it was important to me that all image outlines had a thick and relatively consistent weight to them. This, and remaking any games that came from hard-to-read PDFs, meant I spent a lot of time doctoring each image. The result was absolutely worth it.

AASM PJ5K Coloring Book:

PJ5K inside outside by Kelly Cardinal Designs.
PJ5K Inside heroes by Kelly Cardinal Designs.
PJ5K inside Jenny by Kelly Cardinal Designs.
PJ5K Back Cover by Kelly Cardinal Designs.