Kelly Cardinal Designs.

Children’s Mental Health Awareness Month Brochure



Regina Crider

Services performed.



Tools used.


Stock Photos

Children's Mental Health Awareness Month brochure.

I had what most designers call a dream client at Youth & Family Peer Support Alliance. Why? Because when Regina would give me the basic specs for an advertising piece and I inquired as to her vision, she would reply, “Do whatever…I trust you.” With a good cause to make visual, my creative juices flowed!

I haven’t mentioned, however, that this client was the epitome of busy and gave very little information at the beginning of projects. She would send an email with an example, of, say, the handout or brochure of last year’s event, and say, “Here is an example, but we need one for this year. Can you make it look nice? And by Friday?”

My first step was firing back an email with the typical battery of questions about budget, dimensions, theme of this year’s event, content, etc. In the case of this brochure, Regina quickly responded that she would get the content to me later, but that the theme would be the same. Next, since I know I may not hear back for a couple days, I drafted and sent the first ship. The design below was what I sent her.

CMHW First Draft.

Regina’s response was that she “loved it,” so I made final adjustments and waited until I received the exact dates of the event lineup. The next response a couple days later was everyone had a meeting and decided on a change in theme.

Thankfully, I had a strong foundation and was able to replace the color scheme, fonts and stock images pretty quickly.

The printed result is below.

CMHW Brochure by Kelly Cardinal Designs.
CMHW brochure.
CMHW brochure.
CMHW Brochure.
CMHW Brochure.
CMHW Brochure.
CMHW Brochure.
CMHW Brochure by Kelly Cardinal Designs.
CMHW Brochure by Kelly Cardinal Designs.